Laser hair reduction is a safe and effective procedure that permanently removes hair anywhere on the body.
Let us help you achieve your hair removal goals with our gold standard Lightscheer diode laser!
How can Laser hair reduction help you?
Laser hair reduction is a safe and effective procedure that permanently removes hair anywhere on the body. The process of laser hair reduction differs greatly from electrolysis, but it can still effectively achieve many of the same permanent results! It’s a great way to handle hair growth on large areas of the body, such as legs, abdomen, Brazilian, chest and back. Hilltop Electrolysis offers laser hair removal treatments to any client 16 years of age or older. We aim to make every clients visit a positive and welcoming experience from the moment you arrive.
The Laser Machine
Gold standard LightSheer DESIRE Laser
Hilltop Electrolysis uses the LightSheer® DESIRE™ laser for permanent hair reduction. The 805nm diode wavelength used by the LightSheer® DESIRE™ Light is industry standard for permanent hair reduction on all skin types. Using high fluence ChillTip™ technology, a cooled sapphire chills the skin before and during treatment, improving patient comfort. ChillTip™ leaves skin slightly numbed during the procedure, significantly reducing sensation. It’s no surprise that clinical studies, peer reviewed articles, and happy customers alike all agree that the LightSheer® DESIRE™ is the gold standard for client satisfaction and safety.
What to expect
During treatment, a laser passes through the skin to damage hair at the roots while leaving the outer skin unaffected. This causes the hair to fall out, the hair that does grow back will be softer and thinner. People often say it feels like an elastic band slapping against the skin. Laser hair reduction works best when the skin being treated has been shielded from the sun. Laser cannot be performed on tanned skin as it can result in burning. Laser hair removal uses amplified light to destroy pigmented hairs. Historically, this relied on a combination of fair skin and dark hair to ensure quality results. Today’s machines can be finely tuned to provide the same quality of treatment to clients with lighter pigmented hair and darker pigmented skin. Thanks to modern technology, many more people are ideal candidates for laser hair reduction.
How to prepare for treatment
- Come to your appointment freshly shaven (no hair above the skin).
- Do NOT pluck, wax, sugar or undergo electrolysis 4-6 weeks prior to your appt.
- Your skin cannot be tanned (including self tanning product)
- Do not use moisturizer right before appointment.
- Apply numbing cream if desired and cover with a saran wrap 1 hour prior to treatment.
- Wear loose fit clothing to your appointment.
- The most important thing you can do is allow the heat to leave your skin. You can achieve this by using ice packs (not directly on skin) or cool wash clothes.
- Aloe Vera is your friend! If you have an Aloe plant at home cut a piece of your plant place in a sealed bag and put it in the freezer for when you get home.
- Stay out of the sun for a minimum of 24 hours or until skin is back to normal
- Do not use Hot tubs for a minimum of 24 hours
- Do your best not to exercise for 12-24 hours (yahhh I'm giving you an excuse) Sweating can cause you to irritate the skin and becoming itchy.
- Avoid irritants on the skin
Please contact for rates and packages available.